Using a firewire drive as a network hard drive?


Is it possible to convert a firewire hard drive (external) so that it can connect up to a LAN so that I can access is directly through the network like a server?


You could plug it to a computer supporting firewire and share the drive. If this is not what you are looking for, take a look at the new Airport Express. It has a firewire plug and I think it could be used to share a firewire drive to the network.
Zammy-Sam said:
You could plug it to a computer supporting firewire and share the drive. If this is not what you are looking for, take a look at the new Airport Express. It has a firewire plug and I think it could be used to share a firewire drive to the network.

I have a firewire disk attached to my Mac, how do I share it with others ???? (It's probably stupid, but I don't find the place to activate sharing)
I believe that the 'out of the box', file sharing in OSX (client version) does not allow as precise control over what is shared and what isn't, as OS9 did.

In my experience, once you turn on file sharing (System Prefs/Sharing) anyone who connects to the Mac via the network will be able to connect to all that Mac's drives -- at least, if the person logs in as an administrator user.

Needless to say, the Server edition of OSX (which I have also worked with) allows control over users & connection points even more precise than OS9 did.
I have found that the shared drive has to be formatted as Mac OS Extended. FAT32 (which is MS DOS) will not share.