Using Fink To recompile a FreeBSD program using semaphores


I may be in over my head here, but I successfully installed Fink, including the "bootstrap" to get it working with 10.2. What I can't seem to find is a simple explanation of how to use it to recompile a FreeBSD program called Journyx, which is a timesheet tool I want to use.

I want to run it on my PowerBook, it'll use a browser, so it seems like a good fit. Can anybody help me with this? I would very much appreciate it.

BTW, the documentation for the timesheet tool says "semaphores" must be on. I'm in over my head but very meticulous at following instructions. I just need the instructions. Thanks.:)
Have you tried to compile without fink? In the source directory, there should be a README file or some such, which will tell you how to compile under FreeBSD. Try this process, and there's a good chance it will work as such.

I did some development using semaphores, and it the same source worked on Linux and OS X, and with some minor modification Solaris too. So there's a good chance that the modifications needed will be minor...