Using iMac for File Sharing/Users Cannot Edit Files Created by Other Users


I am using my iMac (running Panther) for file sharing on my local network. I have a partition set up and am using SharePoints so users on Windows can connect. All users can create and edit their own files, but for some reason one user cannot edit a file that another user created. I put all the users in the same group and each file is created has ownership of username:groupname.

Can someone tell me what I need to do so any file can be edited by any user?
you can change the umask for the shared folder, in order to set default permissions to allow any user to read and write in that folder....
an umask of 000 maywork for your purpose... not sure how to apply it just for a partition or a folder, maybe some unix guru here could help you more...
You might want to mask the executable bits - so use a umask of 111.

Not familiar with sharepoint, I'm afraid, so I can't address that specifically; at worst, you could have the users creating files set the permissions - right click, choose properties, choose security, select the group in question, and check off the "modify" permission. A pain, I know, especially if the users aren't technical people...
I ended up resolving the problem by clicking on the partition, then going to File -> Get Info then checking the box next to Ignore ownership on this volume.