I've connected a USB keyboard to my MacBook. The laptop keyboard layout is "Apple Belgian" while the external USB keyboard has a "non-Apple Belgian" layout.
If I select the right layout from the "input menu" when I type on one of those keyboard, everything is fine.
Is there a way to automatically use the "non-Apple Belgian" layout when I type on the USB keyboard, and the other layout when I use the laptop's keyboard? I use MacOS 10.5.7.
I've connected a USB keyboard to my MacBook. The laptop keyboard layout is "Apple Belgian" while the external USB keyboard has a "non-Apple Belgian" layout.
If I select the right layout from the "input menu" when I type on one of those keyboard, everything is fine.
Is there a way to automatically use the "non-Apple Belgian" layout when I type on the USB keyboard, and the other layout when I use the laptop's keyboard? I use MacOS 10.5.7.