Using a G4 Xserve w/ 2GB RAM DP. LDAP is setup and AFP and Open Dir. are running. Each student user upon login mounts their home directory and a folder called Groups and another called applications (these are hidden via workgroup manager/ workgroups/ Preferences/login items). This means that each user upon login creates three connections as seen in Server Admin/AFP/Connections. So when 100 users are logged in we show nearly 300 connections and the we get VERY SLOW. Apple File services often are running at over 100% in activity monitor. To compound the problem when users log off they fail to make a clean disconnect. In fact I have seen a workstation shut down and plug pulled out yet server admin still shows the connection, is called disabled/asleep but it is still an active connection.
I am really catching it from administration, the Novell box worked sooooo much better. Please help with suggestions.
I am really catching it from administration, the Novell box worked sooooo much better. Please help with suggestions.