Video capture with 8600


Evil PPC Tweaker
I have been doing some video capture for awhile now with my 8600/300 (3 PCI slots). This is a combination software/hardware question, so here goes :)

I am wondering what people's opinions are for the best codec through a combination of framerate/quality for capturing video. More specificially: Anime. My results show that Motion JPEG A with one field seems to have the smallest filesize, best overall scalability/quality and the highest framerates. I used to use the Animation codec, but I had to degrade the quality and add more signal noise to get it to hit the 20fps mark. This noise is usually not visible until I encode the final product into MPEG-1 or MPEG-2. All my MPEG-2 playback is done using a Pentium 233MMX machine because I cannot find a SCSI DVD-ROM drive anywhere, so no current MPEG-2 file playback hack will work.

Also, since this thing has been upgraded to USB, and I could swap the USB card out for a Belkin combo USB/Firewire card, what would be the best video capture option available to MacOS 9 users? I also have OS X, so if it works in both, all the better, but as it stands, I already have to drop into OS 9 to capture video, so it isn't a negative thing if the product doesn't have OS X drivers yet.

Comments are very welcome.