Virgin Mobile Phone


Anyone have a virgin mobile phone? One of those pre-paid ones? I was thining of getting a cell, for emergencies, radio contests, directions, and so i can be cool like everyone else. Only problem is i get 2 phone calls a month on my regular phone, so it's not worth a regular, monthly plan, phone. That's why i was looking at the virgin phone plans. Pay as i use it.

Just wondering if anyone had comments on it.

Remember that most of those pre-paid services give you X amount of minutes for so many days (usually 60 or 90). If you don't use them, they expire and you're out the money unless you buy a new card, then you retain those minutes.

You might be just as good with a cheap regular plan (T-Mobile has really good deals) or get on a share plan with someone you know and split the costs. You'd be surprised how fast you'll burn the minutes when you get one...might not think that now but it would change when you have the phone.

I'm on a Nextel and love it. $55/month for 300 anytime outgoing minutes, unlimited incoming minutes, unlimited direct connects, free roaming & LD, voice mail, etc... I dropped my home office line at the house and use my cell's actually cheaper when you figure in the LD charges I used to have. Plus I always have it with me which = $$$ in my pocket.
I would not really advize getting a virgin mobile phone in the USA. They are OK, but they use Sprint's network and I have heard THE WORST things about the sprint wireless network.

If you want to get prepaid, get Free-up by Verizon (they got the best CDMA network out there), and if you want a GSM prepaid get T-Mobile. With cingular and AT&T you can get prepaid as well, but I would avoid them, friends of mine have had experiences with both and they are bad :)

Prepaid minutes here in the states expire like crazy. in europe it is different. I still have 80 USD in my greek prepaid account, which I recharges last AUGUST and it is good until NEXT AUGUST. Over here if you doint use em soon u lose em. So shop around and see what is good for u :)
I know its a bad deal.
Pre-paid has not matured in North America saddly. The companies are trying to make a buck but they dont realize that they have bad marketing and bad procedures for prepaid that is keeping people away. They should REALLY look at the european market and take a few pointers :) My 20$ "fill up coupon" lasts 12 months, so I can use that 20$ in 12 months (or lose em)...but at least its 12 months! :)

It might be a good idea to subscribe to a cheap plan (more economical).

I was looking at prepaid in the states, but since prepaid expires so fast it made more sense for me to get post-paid service.

$20 per month --> 60 anytime minutes, 500 weekend + 50 free incoming text messages
then I added $5 which gave me 25 more anytime minutes, and 500 TXT messages :) For 25$ I am covered :)

YOu should take a look at what your projected usage will be, and then decide
1) which company's coverage & policies are good for you
2) Which plans would be the best for you (either prepaid or post paid)
