Virtual Desktops goes opensource


cocoa love
Hi, well for those of you interested in Virtual Desktops, it just went opensource, this is my app I am happily giving away for the Mac OS X community. Any developers interested, you can go <a href="">here</a> to learn a lil bit more, and you can actually download the application <a href="">here.</a> This application has gotten extremely positive and negative reviews, I'll leave it up to you to decide. Uninstaller included. CodeTek can go !@#$$%@!$%^&. I may have not made any money off this application, but I'm at least happy this will go make CodeTek lose customers :cool:.

Here is the registration code to get rid of the "Unregistered" in the menu bar: 593-66-8206.
Thank you for the app...verrry verrry nice app:) i am happy someone made it, and you did a pretty good job...

the only thing it needs it's speed while changing desktop....well may be it happens to me causei i am on X.2 and it is not optimized for Jag yet...

Well....keep up the great work man
Really? I didn't even know it worked for 10.2. I tried it many times - never worked. Other people were complaining it didnt work for 10.2 yet either. Hm weird :p
Apart from the fact that it doesn't seem to work at all, shove all of my files from the Desktop to some strange folder inside Application Support, it is very buggy and can't be quit. How do I deinstall this piece of crap? Or is it just gone after a relogin?
Oh, I've found the uninstaller thingie. It only forgets to deinstall itself, but I've managed to drag it to the trash myself. Crappy app, really. Gets in the way of most of my other menu items, doesn't do anything on click... I dunno, maybe you should fix some bugs before releasing it to the public...
OKAY LISTEN UP - To switch desktops double-click on a desktop. You can freely move them around. If you want one desktop, close the other three. If you want 2 desktops, close the 2 you dont want. Its pretty simple application.

To Close desktops (ie do the animation) press the buttons in the menu bar. You can switch animation on/off in system preferences, and change your desktop pictures in system preferences and so forth. There is an uninstaller located at

/Applications/Virtual Desktops/

as well as the application if it doesnt start up automatically after the setup assistant quits. :D

Your files are moved to ~/Library/Application Support/Desktop Manager (2,3,4) everytime you switch a desktop. I thought that keeping files on different desktops might be a convenience. I didnt wanna confuse people.

- As a side note, i just turned 18 and I was wondering if making an opensource app like this could help me get a job in programming??
Okay, okay, okay. :)

Don't take it too hard that I wasn't pleased with the app at first sight. It's just that I've been looking for a free virtual desktop thingie and was hoping yours would do the trick. From what you're writing, it *would* do the trick, although it doesn't exactly on my machine. The four big window thingies... I think they're the pager, right? Couldn't you just make the pager inside the menubar icon? Then we'd just have to click there to switch desktops?
nope sorry. The purpose of this program was to provide "Virtual Desktops" and what that meant to me was providing an "image" of what desktop they are switching to. You can make the windows extremely small though and put them wherever you want. I would think, just my opinion, that the way i programmed this, people want a rich atmosphere and exprience that felt like a first-class Mac OS X citizen. Maybe in the future we will see holding option or somthin to switch to that desktop.