virtual desktops =? piles

possibly...but who knows. I see exposé adding yet another feature in a future version of OS X that shows you all your virtual desktops in a windows such as state above and then you'd be able to chose from the virtual desktops.
WHOA, i cant believe this kind of hidden feature is included with Panther...What bothers me is just that it looks alot like my program when you switch desktops. Anybody ever tried my Virtual Desktops program? Is Apple slowly killing all their 3rd party developers?

Everybody to get a Virtual Desktop in Panther go to terminal and type this in:

defaults write wvous-olddesktop -bool false; killall Dock

Ta-Da Virtual Desktops! Apple you cease to amaze me. Your implementation is expectably alot faster than mine. I like how the Virtual Desktop box fades in and the Windows zoom out like that. Apple you know how to put the Gorgeous into GUI. Personally i still like mine better but thank god i stopped workin on that program a long time ago...
Is Apple slowly killing all their 3rd party developers?

Good question.

Menubar clock? Bam, superfluous.
FaxStf? Bam.
Stuffit? Bam (Zip archiving & de-archiving are now part of Finder)

I sense a trend here.
One thing it doesnt switch the desktop pattern...yet.....but this is certainly virtual desktop-like , in a matter of opinion maybe better than Expose's.

My program switches desktop patterns everytime and you can have up to 5 different desktops and theres ALOT of animation everywhere in the program. gotta love Cocoa...

I know CodeTek may have gotten past my program now in terms of features and usability but i still think mine will always be more user friendly.. Sorrry about the dead-download-link below, havnt worked on this program since 10.1 ever since i had to make it free....I'm currently in the process of updating my software to run on Panther as im typing this since its been so long. This is also an older version so its not as good as it was the last time i released it....

sorry didnt mean to sound conceded in the post im real messed up but im recompiling and and will post it asap...

if anyone out there cares...

it consists of
1)system preference pane
2)application itself
3)installer / uninstaller

Its funny how again a one man team can build somthing so industrial strength, as in the case of my program given the slap to CodeTek's crap.
this isnt advertising space, so as much as we appreciate your work, advertising your software here is against the rules AFAIK

so keep it to a minimum ;) :)
I at least hope that when Apple begins using the Virtual Desktops, we will have the option to place it on the menu bar at the top, and select from 2-4-8-16 desktops etc. This is how it is in Linux. I definitely like that functionality, and I hope Apple will keep it out of the way. Perhaps have it in the Dock as well.
Jason said:
this isnt advertising space, so as much as we appreciate your work, advertising your software here is against the rules AFAIK

so keep it to a minimum ;) :)

I wasnt advertising by any means, the program is opensource now, but nobody has worked on it cept me. Its free so im not makin anything out of it, i just want some input on my program and what they think about this whole virtual desktop situation.

I may have posted too many details necessary about the program im sorry, like i said in earlier posts i was !@#$ed up...dont hate against the programmers ;-)
diablojota said:
I at least hope that when Apple begins using the Virtual Desktops, we will have the option to place it on the menu bar at the top, and select from 2-4-8-16 desktops etc. This is how it is in Linux. I definitely like that functionality, and I hope Apple will keep it out of the way. Perhaps have it in the Dock as well.
I thought Apple made the issue of virtual desktops, multiple desktops, etc. unnecessary with the whole Exposé thing.
oh dont worry, i dont hate against you, in fact i have a high level of respect for anyone who can make a program really

its just that in the rules we dont necessarily encourage "advertising" one's own programs, because it could very well be abused if you get what i mean. its really a fine line, and im just saying to not abuse it, youre fine so far :)
Well, Exposé is great. However, I like to use the multiple desktops for a reason. I break them into catagories. On my Linux box, I have 4 virtual desktops. One is for music composition and playback, one is for general goofy stuff (work, etc.), one is where I have my VNC connections running, and the other is for games (mahjong (sp?), etc.). It is much more nicely broken up and catagorized. With Exposè, everything is still on the same desktop. It's great, but it has no orginizational properties, per se.
And I wish Exposé would show ALL windows, the hidden ones, too, as I often work with only one app in the foreground (as I don't like window clutter). Any1 got a "defaults write" for me? :p
I like to use the multiple desktops for a reason. I break them into catagories.

You could use Fast User Switching to much the same effect. Create a games user, a music user, work user, etc. and "cube" between them...