Virtual PC for Mac OS...

When I called last week they gave a "I dunno."

Literally. Powerful sales force :p
I wonder why no one has made an "AMD add on" or an "intel addon" card :p
It would me much better than emulation :p

BEsider, graphics cards, RAM and so on are the same (or mostly) these days between macs and PCs.

I know Orange Micro made some hardware that did that. Never really looked into it so I don't know if they still are around or what state that project is in.
orange micro did make such a product but they discontinued it once I got my B&W G3 :p Those chips are in the Pentium stage now lol :p
They also included it's own RAM and so on... I am just talking about the chip.. no extra ram or graphics boards... well Chip + maybe parallel and a serial port for controllers :p
