Virus Article

Good read. I'm an IT at university in charge of the almost 300 Macs on campus and agree with most of his findings. I've been doing this job for about 2 years and have had to fix about 30-40 computers for viruses, 1 of which was on a Mac.
It figures that over 500 Mac viruses are Microsoft program-based macro viruses. MS infects every platform it touches. Word even warns you about turning on macro support; it shouldn't have to if the code were more secure.

Thanks for the article.
I'm glad! The unfortunate thing is that windows viruses still affect mac's pretty heavily sometimes, although indirectly.
If your isp get's hit with the sobig worm, then your internet slows down bigtime. If your friends get sobig, your mailbox gets stuffed with sobig messages. It's fairly impractical that you will never be affected by a malfunctioning windows box, no matter how hard you avoid them.
Originally posted by mr. K
It's fairly impractical that you will never be affected by a malfunctioning windows box, no matter how hard you avoid them.

AHA! I've got it! All the Mac users of the world should get together and creat a whole other internet that only WE can access! Problem solved!


Dammit. Then we'd only have a really small internet.... "it's always something!"