
Johnny D

I have had a virus access my computer through something I downloaded using a internet browser in VMwareFusion! I am posting from a different computer and my ISP has told me to un-connect my infected computer from the internet. My ISP told me that the virus is using my IP address to host a fake eBay site to gather victims Visa and info and what not. How do I get rid of it!?

So far I have deleted anything to do with VMwareFusion. Un installed and everything. Im afraid to connect again and have my ISP call me saying that the site is still being hosted from my IP. How can I get rid of the virus without having to delete eveything? Install the system again perhaps?

It sounds like you got a Windows virus, not a Mac virus (to my knowledge, no such Mac viruses exist). So what you need to do is load VMWare and run Windows anti-virus software to clean up your Windows system.

Remember that when using VMWare, Parallels or Boot Camp to run Windows on a Mac, you need to take all the same security precautions you take on normal Windows systems.

If you're really desperate, just erase your Windows system and reinstall that. You should absolute not need to reinstall Mac OS X.
ok well i un-installed VMWare so should that have fixed it? Also the virus would have saved to my mac hard drive so even though it is a windows virus its still on my mac. Cant i do some sort of anti virus check on my mac without installing VMWare again?
I imagine the virus is confined to the partition or disk image you had Windows installed on. Even if it got to your Mac files, it wouldn't be able to actually RUN in Mac OS X. The only danger would be spreading it to other Windows machines by transferring files. It can't hurt to run ClamXAV, though, like jbarley suggested.

In any case, I think it's safe to reconnect to the Internet at this point.
... unless you're running the VMware machine again and let it connect to the net, then that fake eBay server's active again - until the problem's solved. I'd actually trash that virtual machine and set it up again. It's much easier than actually solving the problem within Windows. Did you allow the VM some sort of access to the Mac file system? Could it be it wrote files outside its confines?
Try this. Boot in OSX only. Trash VMware and and all files to do with windows. then stick the windows installation disk in a shredder.
That should fix it :)
Alright. thanks everyone. Ive trashed everything and am about to run that virus scanner app. It should be good now.
