[Viruses] Have you seen "2DimensionOfExploitsEnc.php"?

bossa nova

I was hunting through google for some images and somehow a file called "2DimensionOfExploitsEnc.php" started to download. Norton immediately alearted me there was a virus. This happened a couple of times. When I went to delete the files I found there were additional copies as well that I did not see originally but there they were on my desktop.

Originally I deleted the files in Norton but since the files were also on my desktop I just moved them to the trash and used "secure delete" hoping that this would at least zero out any code.

My questions are;
Has anyone seen this before?

Did I handle it the right way?

Some additional information.
Since I had already deleted the file without getting the name I checked my downloads window and copied the name here. When I copied the file, it was linked with a web site. Here it is but I have modified it with spaces so no one downloads it accidentally.

h t t p : / / w w w .sp2fucked.biz/user132/2DimensionOfExploitsEnc.php

Thanks in advance...