VMWare Fusion..Trying to put Windows 7 on it?



I am still new to the whole mac seen...I bought a Macbook Pro 15 in and I have been a windows user since I was young...

I installed VMWare Fusion and I am trying to install Windows 7 32bit onto my VMWare Fusion but no luck...

What I did was Downloaded the Windows 7 Beta and Used ImgBurn to burn the .ISO onto a DVD-R from my Windows XP Sp2 Computer.

I then Popped it in my Macbook Pro and opened up VMWare Fusion and Tried to install but it isn't working...I don't know what I am doing so any help would be greatly Appreciated...

It says on the bottom of the VM Ware to Instal VMWare Tools but it won't let me it says there is an issue finding the disc or something.

Any ideas on step to step on how to do it? this is my first time trying to even use VMWare Fusion..
Make sure you have Fusion 2.0.1.
Then use the "Windows Vista" options in VMWare when creating the new image, not the "Other" This way the VMWare Tools should install correctly and you should have network support, etc.
One tip that will help is, you don't need to burn Windows 7 onto a disc, VMware fusion allows you to use the disk image as the installer.