VNC To Connect Mac OS X to a PC


Has anyone ever used a VNC server on Mac OS X to connect to a viewer on Windows XP? If so, what versions of Mac OS X will this work for, how long does installation take, and will the server automatically run upon startup of the computer, and run in the background so that the user does not see it as an active program?
I use OSXvnc on OSX and it works fine with the VNC viewer for PCs. You can have it set to run as a background daemon but if you do that then the clipboard won't work between the two computers. If you run it as a regular app the clipboard copy/paste between the 2 computers will work fine.
I have that setup with a Power Mac G4 running OSXvnc and accessing it through my Slackware PC using vnc viewer (specifically from KDE's Remote Desktop Connector front-end that does both VNC and RDP/Terminal Services). Works like a charm, although after some idle time it logs me off. :D