Volkswagen Jetta Jukebox SE


SpyMac and MacRumors are reporting that Volkswagen may be working on a 2003 car called the "Volkswagen Jetta Jukebox SE."

They're talking about including an iPod with the car and a Built in iPod Docking Station!

"[The iPod] slides into a port below the stereo and can then be operated with the standard car stereo controls."

Now, we all know SpyMac's reputation, but wouldn't this be sweet? Apple would probably end up getting tons more Mac users from this! It'd be nice to be able to just buy the docking station for any car, though! Much easier to control it like a regular stereo than worry about headphone-to-tape converters and such.
That is TOO cool! I'm actually really wanting to get a Jetta one of these days, and that "would just sweeten the deal."
Well, I don't know. Volkswagen has teamed up with other companies before to offer similar things.
Yeah, VW does keep their ear to the ground on things like this. Currently I have a car stereo where I have a line in so that I can plug a "mini" into my mp3 player, and play it through the stereo. Works well. But it'd be even nicer to have a dock.

I wouldn't put it past VW to work with apple. After all how long have we heard the Mac user VW link?

Just my two cents on the matter.
Ohhh Ahhh That'd be so cool. But then there'd have to be some sort of link back to Apple Computers. Like maybe a computer discount also. What goods an iPod in your car if you dont have a mac to put music on it?

i don't think i could sell my GTI for a jetta though. it'd be like moving over to windows for me ^_^. hehe, sorry jetta owners ^_~.

i hope they can put this in the GTIs as well- that'd be oh-so-tyte.
that would be cool. apple did team up with K2 didnt they? you could get a bike or surfboard or something like that with your VW. But and iPod seems a little weird... since you need a Mac to use one... but a lot of Mac users have VWs. and a lot of VW owners have Macs. I guess we know what is good for us :) I have 3 VWs at my house.