Volume keys don't control iTunes volume


In OS 9, hitting volume up or down on your keyboard would adjust the volume slider in iTunes if it was open instead of the system volume. In OS X, the keys only adjust the sytstem volume. This is annoying because you get a series of system beeps everytime you adjust the volume. Is there any way to get the volume keys to adjust the volume in iTunes instead?
Personally, I dont think it makes any sense having buttons on your keyboard that control applications [its like having an "internet" button :rolleyes: ]

The volume keys are great, but it makes no sense for them to control iTunes' volume. Does turning the system alert sound volume all the way down stop it from beeping when you hit the volume keys?
In Mac OS 10.2's sound preferences, you can uncheck "play feedback when volume keys are pressed" ... Ta-da! No more noise when adjusting volume via the keyboard.
what irks me is having three volume settings. i've got a 'system volume' an 'itunes volume' and a 'speaker volume' (directly on the speaker).
i also kinda wish it would auto detect that i put headphones in the front and switched over to them automatically instead of having to go into system prefs.
oh well, such is life ^_^.