VPN issues


I have discovered a rather annoying problem on 10.6.1. I use Cisco Anyconnect for my VPN. The connection is HTTP based instead of IPsec so I can't use the native VPN support in OS X. I use a browser to connect.

Everything works fine except for DNS resolution. That is definitely broken. I confirmed it with Apple support. I can drop to a terminal and resolve host names on my internal network with nslookup but browsers and many other tools will not resolve hosts on the internal network. Connecting by IP is no problem from GUI and command-line. Anyone else notice this problem?

Cheers, UK
DHCP assignment only assigns the IP address to the client. Parameters such as DNS and WINS are assigned from the group-policy settings and not ascertained from DHCP.

May need to disable Bonjour.
You can disable it once by running (shown on two lines, but should be pastable):

launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/\

By temporarily disabling Bonjour you can see if it fixes your problem.

You can also temporarily re-enabled by just using this command:

launchctl load /path/to/relocated/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist