VPN speed issues....


I have been using a VPN connection to my xserve at work (about a mile from my house) for over 2 years with no complaints.

About a month ago, I increased the speed of my house to 7mb down, and 768up. At first, everything was great, and the increase in speed from 5down to 386(or whatever) was very noticeable on my VPN network.

About a week or so later, the VPN speed went from good... to painfully slow. The server at work is 4mbs down and 2mbs up... and always has been.

Long story short, I have been in contact with Time Warner help, support, level 3, technicians out at the house... I even upgraded my router to an ambient router to match the one at work.

The internet works fine. Speeds are fine.

The only issue is with VPN.

I did not change anything on the server end, nor did I change any settings at home as far as hardware or software.

But for some reason... it is CRAWLING!

Time Warner says everything is fine as far as their service is concerned... which I have to agree. I surf the internet just fine.

Any ideas what could have caused this huge slow down to my conncection at work? What can I check or fix?

Please help!