Want to give someone a DVD they can't duplicate


Is there a setting when burning a DVD that will make it impossible to duplicate that DVD? I have a film I have created and need to send out to some people to see, but I don't want them duplicating it. Or, do I need to purchase software to achieve? Thanks.
As long as the DVD can be read, it will be possible to rip it on one way or other. But at least you can make it more difficult to copy or rip it.

This simple trick would probably work for you http://sites.google.com/site/karstenschluter/diy-dvd-copy-protection (I thin Handbrake would be able to bypass this, but it should work for most users)

(So basically burn a black 10 min track after your movie, and then make some tiny, physical scratches for that 10 min track on the DVD)

Or, for other ideas, see posts # 14 and # 19 for some ideas http://club.myce.com/f80/copy-protect-my-own-dvd-219971/
Or https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2546146?start=0&tstart=0 - the products listed for Rimage seem to have moved, or anyway Rimage's product would be worth looking at only if you are going to be burning at least hundreds of DVDs.