Want To Learn AppleScript


I'd like to learn AppleScript. I know there are dozens of books and articles out there, but I'm wondering if anyone has any particular recommendations as to where to start or which path to take.
Hey! AppleScript is really fun to learn! And you can actually do a lot of stuff with it! I wouldn't recommend it for professional/future use. But for a beginning programmer, and for small things it's really great!

If you havn't already I suggest you look around here: http://www.apple.com/applescript/macosx/
I think what trip was trying to say is that although applescript is a good into to programming like concepts, but it would be hard to build a career off just applescript experience, you would need more experiences and probably solid programming (and not just scripting) knowledge.
You can really learn a lot from Apple's examples. Just install Developer Tools and you'll have a folder called Examples inside your developer folder. There are a lot of examples for Applescript Studio. Those examples will show you all the basics. Check out www.macscripter.net also...

Good luck with your applescript exploring. I'm totally hooked with it:)
Applescript is quite fun. You can do a lot of really great things with it. I was actually thinking about programming a small program based around Applescripts. Not sure if I'll go through with it, but maybe someday you can help me and we'll produce it together. :)
Well, I've been playing around with it for the last few weeks, I would recommend that you just set down and try it out.
The language itself is so similar to english that you can pretty much just type it out how you would say it to another person. With a few modifications, of course :)