WARCRAFT 3 with 8mb of video memory?


Has anyone tried running Warcraft 3 on an iMac 400mhz DV with 8megs of video memory? Is it playable? Any feedback would be appreciated.
I doubt it woul dbe nice. It's only JUSt managing (on full settings though) on my GeForce2MX 32mb in my iMac G4 700....
It may work but I don't think I'd want to play it. I'd say it was marginaly playable with my 350 G3 running at 400. I have the stock 16 mb rage card. It was really hurting graphics-wise. The 550 on the other hand is running it great.

If I'm not mistaken 16MB VRAM is the minimal that's supported. I may be wrong though.
No you were right but I was just asking to see if anyone was able to play it on all minimal settings on my type of computer. Oh well thanx for the input.
buy a pc... you think Im kidding, but if you want to play games on a cheap system, you could build a 1Ghz AMD system with a geforce 3 for under 800$.... I hate to say it but macs, while keeping their lifespan long, cannont play the newest and greatest games after a couple of years....
well if you have 400 dollars to throw out the window and know how to build a computer from parts you can make an athlon 1600 with geforce 2 graphics thanks to the nforce chip set, 256 mb of ram, 40 gig hard drive and a cd r or dvd drive.

Otherwise just wait a while and pray that ibm and apple get working on the new chip.
Originally posted by cq107
buy a pc... you think Im kidding, but if you want to play games on a cheap system, you could build a 1Ghz AMD system with a geforce 3 for under 800$.... I hate to say it but macs, while keeping their lifespan long, cannont play the newest and greatest games after a couple of years....

That's not entirely true.
Macs can play games about 300x better than any windows comp these days, you just have to donate a little bit more of your time and money to get one. :)
As if there wasn't enough Mac vs PC debate around here it has to come up here as well? the question was if an iMac would play WCIII. Bar none.