Warning for SBC customers


mac shaman
recently we recieved an invitation to 'upgrade' to SBC Yahoo. if you don't do this, you will eventually lose your email, web space, etc at your SBC provider. so you're pretty much forced to upgrade unless all you want is an internet connection.

BE WARNED that when you do this, do not attempt to merge more than one yahoo id with your accounts. only your primary account will accept the merge, although the option is there for each sub account you move. if you merge a second yahoo id with one of your subaccounts, you will lose the ability to have pop access to that subaccount. and getting SBC Yahoo to fix it is almost impossible. actually, it's been a week and it's still not fixed, but i am told it should be resolved at some point in about another week.

i'm still not sure how i like the merge but the 610 mb of photo sharing and file storage space i ended up with is pretty nice. not as visully nice as itools was, but at least it works.
Hmmmm.... My DSL is through them, but it's the fancy "Business" class account. 5 static IP's an none of that weird PPPoE stuff...

Remember when they were simply "the telephone company"... Pacific Telephone?
... "Let your fingers do the walking" might be apropos once again...
Tommy, don't you mean "let your finger do the talking" ? :D

well, my case is now being looked at by the yahoo people. perhaps they will figure out what i've been trying to tell them.
Originally posted by jove
Why do you have to install 9?

You have to load their POS dialing program so it can "register" you on the system.

In my case I used to have Prodigy. They were bought out by SBC Yahoo! Dial or whatever. There was no installer for X, nor did it sound like they had any intention of supporting X in the near future. Had to re-install 9 on my X-only for months system just to load their shite proggy so I could get my new user name. I suppose if I had made a big enough stink over it I probably could have gotten out of my contract (kinda I wish I had now).
yea, i wonder if they've ever changed that though. tech help doesn't freak out and refuse to help you if you tell them you're using os x anymore though. so maybe they have resovled that. i was using os 9 when i 1st got dsl and had added a router by the time we switched to os x so their support for connecting was no longer an issue.

on the good news front - my problem was finally fixed when i woke up this morning!! now i can honestly say "YAHOO!!". i guess it goes to show that if you try long enough and hard enough, you can find a tech helper that knows what they're doing.