Watch french speaking TV online easily


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member

You need RealOne and this small soft... to get direct access to all main online TV news and entertainement, French, Swiss and European (F speaking).

If you like French humour try "Les Guignols de l'Info" on "Divertissement",
If you like ugly humor, try "7 jour au Groland" on "Divertissement".
You write it quite well.

And sometimes images are more than words.
Voici Français? Je parle aussi français. Un petit peu. ;) Mon dernier cours
remonte à probablement 10 ans. Mais comme je vois, je parles encore. N'est pas?

Ufff, that was hard. Anyway, interesting link!
Your French is ok too.

Try the news first if you want to train your French. Start with Swiss news (TSR): they speak slower than genuine French.
I didn'T get it run. My french is not that well to understand what I am supposed to do. I simply downloaded the "player" but I didn't get any pics. Any ideas?
My mistake. I think I just had a firewall prob. I used it on work and I stucked with a black screen. Now it's working. Nice thing.. :)