Watching HD content on Internet


How can one watch HD content (example streaming videos) on your iMac? I have a PowerPC G4 1.25 GHz processor? My Mac OS version is 10.5.6. I use Firefox 3.0.10 as my main internet browser and also Safari 3.2.1. Watching HD content with my system is very choppy. Please help.

Thanks so much!
Dunji C. Diego
I have an ancient 1.42GHz PPC G4 Mac Mini much like yours, and the sad truth is that these old computers simply don't have enough horsepower to decode HD content smoothly in software (ie: through a flash based video stream). Even playing local HD content is anything but smooth. Aside from buying a modern Mac Mini (probably the best solution overall), your only option for playing local HD content is some sort of Hardware Accelerator from the EYE-TV line of products.