Watson 1.5


Unofficial Mac Genius
Watson 1.5 is released, and it sports new aqua-y icons, and four new tools: Versiontracker (my personal fav), Meerkat, Reference, and translation.

Watson rocks... I hope to register it soon, as it's well worth the $29.
I'm definitely going to register... someday...

It's a great program, and I do want to register it....

Um, Watson is really cool, and I really should buy it...

LOL I will purchase it eventually though.
50th POST!!!!! 50th POST!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!

Only a month on the boards and I'm already up 50 posts :)

Eventually I may catch up to you, SimX... watch out. I no longer feel like a MacOSX.com newbie! Yay! :)
I really really like this app. Its a great idea. If only apple thought of it first :).

bluefusion, my point exactly your stalking simx! :D
OMG, Bluefusion, I haven't looked at your number of posts in a while. 120?! What the hell? You posted you had 50 on the 27th. You posted 70 times in 2 days?!! I've been here a lot longer than you have, and I only have 40-something. Damn, I've got to post more! :)

goog: You're silly. Just click the "Profile" button on the bottom of one of Bluefusion's posts, and the board will tell you that he has an average of 2.98 posts per day. (That's not so great.. I have 6.18 posts per day, and I've been a member longer than him. – What? Yeah, OK, I'll stop bashing other members. :D )
What the heck is Watson?

It's not that stupid thing in windoze that crashes it all the time is it?
"Dr. Watson fatal error....." garbage LOL.

Well of course not but I just had to slip that in there :D

Seriously though, what does it do?
It's basically a tool that allows you to get specific information from the web, and displays it to you in an easy format.

With version 1.5, you can now get versiontracker.com updates right into Watson. There are many other useful tools, too. You can get movie listings for a theater near you, complete with times, a summary and a preview of the movie, and if the theater supports it, you can even go buy tickets by clicking straight through Watson. You can do reverse zip code lookups with Watson, too. You can also check stock prices, get the value of a sum of money in another currency (with up-to-date exchange rates), search for images, get phone numbers, track packages, and check flight schedules. There are a couple of other tools that I left out, too.

What's even better is that as the developer makes more tools, there's an auto-update function that quickly downloads the new plugin and extends the functionality of Watson.

It's a great program, and I suggest you download it and try out. You'll find it will become indispensible (just like Watson, in "Without A Clue" :D ).
Thanks simX, that sounds like a really good program.

Do those features such as buying tickets work in other countries like Canada?
The translator connects to translators on the internet Babelfish, Free Translation, InterTran and Lycos. It lets you choose which one you want to use. It works very well.
devonferns: I believe there is limited support for Canada. Download it and try it out. :) I think the only countries supported right now are mainly the U.S., and Canada and the U.K. to an extent. Don't quote me on that.

As for the translation, Watson just provides a portal for accessing translation services. So it only works as well as BabelFish, InterTran, Lycos, or FreeTranslation. It supports these 4 services and all the languages these services support.

Related to your question is the fact that Watson actually doesn't do any of these things internally. Watson is completely useless without an internet connection. This is because all of the information is retrieved from the web, like USPS' website or the translation services mentioned above, or the Stock graphs from Yahoo.
devon, i live in canada to and it has pretty good functionality. I can't buy movie tickets, but I can see what movies are playing in the theaters near me. I'm in Toronto though, so if you live in a more rural area I'm not sure. Where abouts are you?

simx, I have 3.9 posts a day. :D
Originally posted by ABassCube
I've got to post more! :)


Yeah, you should. :D lol

70 posts in two days sounds like a lot even for me. Are you sure about that? I think that 50 posts thing was somewhere around the 15th or so but I'm probably wrong about that.
Originally posted by wdw_
It lets you choose which one you want to use. It works very well.
Excuse me?

I respectfully refer you (and everyone on this thread) to this thread for an example of Watson's incredible translation ability. :)
Originally posted by googolplex
devon, i live in canada to and it has pretty good functionality. I can't buy movie tickets, but I can see what movies are playing in the theaters near me. I'm in Toronto though, so if you live in a more rural area I'm not sure. Where abouts are you?

simx, I have 3.9 posts a day. :D

I live in a small town but only about 30 mins away from London, Ontario, so I guess it would probably be usefull for me too then.

I'll try it out today. :p