Web Browsing on Apple TV + HD Needs


Hey All,

I'm thinking of getting an Apple TV, but while I'm a fan of the box in principal, I find it is a bit limited in terms of capabilities. One thing that would push me towards getting one is if you were able to browse the web through the box (with wireless peripherals say) on your TV. I can't quite tell from the documentation - is that possible?

Also, I'm tossing up the HD sizes. I have a TB drive on my iMac, so I'm wondering if I really need the bigger drive on the Apple TV, or if most of the content could be streamed across from my iMac, or just downloaded to the Apple TV when I knew I wanted to watch it. And also how well the Apple TV manages the HD space when it starts to fill - does it do that auto-magically? Or is there manual file management required once the drive fills?

Thanks for any insights you can share!

Go for a Mac mini, then. Gives you all the computer features and with FrontRow. Apple TV is not (and will not be) a full computer.

As for the synchronisation: You can set Apple TV to automatic and manual, just like the iPods/iPhones.