web hosting dillema


Simply Daemonic
I just got a nice little letter from Yahoo saying that starting April 1st, all "free" services on yahoo wont have FTP access anymore. This is a particular pain, cause when I upgrade my web page I upload eeeeeeverything with FTP, it takes less ime and I can see teh progress being made. With Yahoo's web upload scripts it takes more time to upload and it doesnt have an indicator to tell how much is done, which seems like it takes an eternity.

Yahoo gave me the option to pay $5 per month for tehse features:

25MB Web site
No advertisements
5GB of data transfer/mo
FTP access
Remote loading
Tools to build web pages

or $9 for these:

Domain name
25MB disk space
10GB of data transfer/mo
5 email accounts
(e.g., you@your-name.com)
5 subdomains
Tools to build web pages and more

I am not sure what to do. Eventually I wanna play around with php, but only the $25/month offers PHP. -- so with teh cheapest plan it would cost me $60 annually for a web page that I update only 3 times a year (when all goes well -- once or twice when things are too busy).

I was thinking of getting an older mac or peecee, wipping it clean and installing either linux, BSD, or appleshare and use that as a web server on my university network (since I work there it wouldnt be much of a problem) but the problem lies in the fact that I am not there 24/7, (especially on vacations) so what happens if power goes down? or what happens if I get discovered and get flamed by my employers ? :p

Do you guys know of any free web space providers, reliable ones with good access, little ads, and an OK amount of traffic that they allow ?

What do you guys think ?!


I switched to Apple's Homepage a long time ago as Apple has no forced banner ads or anoying popup ads. One thing is I just wish I could figure out how to FTP to my server through Fetch to upload files instead of mounting my iDisk.

Have a great day!

I freaking LOVE my iDisk. fast webpages, no bannders, no popups, email, and it's all FREE! I do wish we could use FTP, but for it being free I really can't complain.
I don't know how many of you this applies to, but here's what's bothering me...

First, Yahoo! Made and announcement saying that its GeoCities web space will no loger be available via FTP...

If you want FTP access back, pay up.

Secondly, Yahoo! Made and announcement saying that your Yahoo! address (ie whatever@yahoo.com) will no longer be available via POP3, meaning you cant' use Mac OS X's Mail.app or Microsoft Entourage to access your Yahoo mail.

If you want POP3 access back, pay up.

Who can we get these services from, now? It's so convenient to have these services from one provider... but now where do I look for free POP3 mail access (besides and ISP)?
Yahoo had pop3 access?? Dang, all this time and I've been dealing with their crummy interface. I have an ISP addy, but it tends to change (what with moving cross country, or when I get fed up with my ISP). So I just gave everyone my Yahoo address, and suffered through their webpages. (BTW, I've tried email forwarding services like mail.com (before they started charging me for my "free lifetime email forwarding account" :mad: ) but the email was delayed hours, days, months, or eternally).

*sigh* Now I know... when it's no longer being offered...

I use MSN Hotmail mostly. So far they have not been charging me. Only thing I do not like is their strict anti-spam attitude. Someone submitted a bogus spam complaint and within SECONDS I was shut down with no warning whatsoever. The person I emailed was on my mailing list and they later said the just wanted to be removed from it. Why did they submit a SPAM complaint instead of replying asking to be removed like it said in the message.

So, I would go with them if you do not deal with too many mailing lists or anything.

Even better, just get a YOU@mac.com address by signing up for iTools.

Have a great day!

I got the yahoo notice too.
It p'oed me :mad: -- of course we are not entitled to anything, it was just nice to have it free.

I do use hotmail but ALL my junk goes there, so I dont want people mailing my hotmail for serious stuff.

iTools is nice, at the moment I have it redirected to my yahoo account. I have other email accounts (thanks to a friend of mine who gawve me an email addy on his system) - so I can do my pop3-ing if I want to but it is bloody annoying!

grrrr... I want my ftp and pop3 access :p

Personally, I hate Hotmail. Not only do I get about 100 messages a day (does the word spam sound familiar?) but when I go (to clean out the garbage) it takes 30 seconds to a minute between each page refresh, where it locks up Netscape entirely. I can't even do anything there with Opera (my preferred browser in Win32 systems).

I use my Hotmail account for trash. That is, mail that I might want to look at, but probably don't. For mail that I know I don't want, I've taken someone's suggestion from MacSlash -- just put in 'abuse@wherever.com' -- where the wherever is the domain I'm browsing.

Add to that the fact that Hotmail is MS, and I have a grudge against MS. :)
i always use something really immature like 'poop@myhouse.com' or 'schlong@thebackdoor.com'
