Hi all What do I need to write web services with PHP? How can I write them? thanks jsn
J jsn Registered Feb 16, 2006 #1 Hi all What do I need to write web services with PHP? How can I write them? thanks jsn
ra3ndy Custom User Title Feb 16, 2006 #2 Whew. Big question. Kinda like asking "How can I speak Japanese?" There are lots of great resources out there (google for php tutorials) to help you learn php. It's a skill that's in demand right now and very useful to learn. Good luck.
Whew. Big question. Kinda like asking "How can I speak Japanese?" There are lots of great resources out there (google for php tutorials) to help you learn php. It's a skill that's in demand right now and very useful to learn. Good luck.
J jsn Registered Feb 19, 2006 #3 I a more interested in how to write and consume web services and PHP, it looks like NuSOAP, can help me Now I am looking for an XML parsed running with PHP. Something similar to http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/ho...dXMLStream.aspx thanks jsn
I a more interested in how to write and consume web services and PHP, it looks like NuSOAP, can help me Now I am looking for an XML parsed running with PHP. Something similar to http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/ho...dXMLStream.aspx thanks jsn