Web site review http://george-harrison.info/

Don't make the background color for a:hover maroon, but that's in general. It looks good on my computer (IE 5.1/9.2.2), but I'd say maybe make the text a point (or a pixel) larger.
Generally you want to confine the contents of a page within reason - say just the index, or just the discography. Making someone load a full page just to see the index is bandwidth wasting. And in general it is lots easier to read black on white then white on black, I wouldn't dare start reading that bio section just because of the colors (and no I'm not old and blind...) (just blind, but that's what I wear contacts for). And right under the headshot at the top of the page it looks like there are links to different sections, but they are just really big words - you should make them into links!
i agree with Mr. K you should definetly consider making separate pages for each topic, way way way to much on the index page, not bad though, and looks fine in Safari which is mac only.
The best way to do it would be to split your content into separate pages, as my colleagues have mentioned, then to link each of those Harrison-related terms to a separate page. Barring that (which I hope you don't do), you should make each link to a target on the page that will take the reader right to the appropriate section.

And please, don't use tiny bold white text on a black background! Black on white, or black on gray, is much more natural and would be easier to read. White on black causes eyestrain, at least for me.