Web Stats


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Has anyone ever heard of FireClick? The company I work for is looking to use their services.

What they do in a nutshell.

They provide statistical data and reports on the navigaional patterns of viewers to your site.

One, very cool, feature of theirs is the option to have an exact dupication of a page on your site and apply a layer that shows the percentage of clicks to any of the links on that page. So you can see exactly where people are clicking on your site for every page of your site. You can also see a graphical representation of this to see the navigational clicks most people take... then in turn focus on those pages for merchandising, etc, etc.

The reports are endless... their admin tool can provide just about any bit of information you might want to know about your visitors... browser (and version), IP address, if they are a first-time visitor or how many times they have been on your site, how long it took for each of the pages they clicked on to download.. etc, etc... I realize this data is captured by the server log, but the real plus to all of this is they maintain this information off-site, so we're not slowing the server machine down to compile a log-reader... and the data can be displayed in graphical form. and each person who uses this tool can customize the data collection... so my department might be more interested in browser type and link effectivness while another department might be more interested in click through rate and conversion rates, etc, etc.

So we're ready to buy this service, at $1,900/mo. Does anyone know of another service that does all of this, in that price range? I would really like to offer an alternative service for my managers.

Any information would be appreciated!
Wow! You can usually get that same service for free when registering a name domain. Of course it depends on what service provider you use!

I get that same feature+my domain name all for $40 a month!

Check 'em out: www.nameregistrars.com <-That should be it. :)
Not sure this is the same thing Trip,

I couldn't get any info, but the service we really are interested in will help predict what links will be clicked... not just what pages were viewed. This way we can optimize where we link the page to...

I have attached a picture of a mock I made real quick. This shows GUILD.com's welcome page from the Administration tool.

Each link is marked, visually, so we can see from the home page where people are clicking first. So we can actually follow the popular track.

Also this can also be real-time data. So we could pop on to the administration screen and watch the numbers change... seeing that at 5PM more people clicked on link A on the left nav... but later in the night people clicked on the second occurance of link A which was higher on the page... etc, etc...

From this data we can see the actual links that get clicked.

The free services offer options like click counters, and very basic statistics, but we want the functionality of being able to create our own reports pulling, let's say, the number of times a piece of art on our site was clicked on all the way up to the checkout page and did NOT get an order for that item. (which is called a drop out or disconnect).

Or the number of times someone using IE Explorer hit pageA.html from pageC.html

We can also see the conversion rate of a particular item, etc, etc...

Or even the number of times an item was purchased from a banner ad on another company's website.


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Well, the service I use isn't exactly like that...but it does pretty much the same thing, not as pretty...but heck: who needs pretty if it's not going to be public?