Webcam selection - your experiences


Hi folks,

I want to get my folks a webcam so they can vid chat wioth me (I live overseas), but am not sure which to get. Of course I know tehre is the isight, but that has to be got via ebay. I've seen epopel touting other webcams but have heard no direct experiences from anyone.

iSights seem to be on ebay for up to 100 pounds (UK) which seems a lot to me, but I'm not sure on the quality and ease of use for the alternatives. The main use will be video iChat, but i need soemthign easy to set up as my folks are old macheads but not so hot on the fiddly setup side of things 9they don't even know they have a terminal, let alone what it is).

Any ideas, experiencs etc?
well, i just went to the local apple store and paid for the isight. i plugged it it, and walla, had video chating, no set up at all. and thats why i was willing to pay the 130usd, true plug and play, zero config. and it works even better then i thought it would too.
Yeah, if i could get one new (and i can't, on online store anyway) i would, but the 100 pounds i just saw one going for on ebay is around $200 and that feels too much for a second hand product.
guess i lucked out, as it seems that now apple doesn't sell them anymore, which is sad being how many of us still have older macs without a built-in camera. but this software is suppost to get usb cam to work with ichat. hope this helps.