webmail functionality different by machine


This seems like a very strange problem that may or may not be specific to macosx.
In our office we have 4 macs w/ osx , a fex Linux boxes (my machines) and 2 windoze
I recently set up webmail accounts via our ISP and for some reason, one of our mac users
is having problems even sending messages, another user says he has problems with attachments.
I have looked at the settings for cookies and such, and they are all the same on each machine.
the other 2 macs have no problem, nor do the linux machines.
we have tried to run updates, but the problems remain.
I'm sure that I have missed something... any ideas?
this is odd

I did just find the following info here...

Yahoo Mail, Hotmail Problems with OS X

From Steve Eberly

Hello Charles,

I have scoured the Net and gone thru all your Miscellaneous Ramblings in search of an answer to my problem. Nothing seems to deal with my situation. I assume it is so simple that I can't see it easily.

I have happily been running my [PowerBook] 3400 and [Power Mac] 7300 with OS 8.1 Last month, my son gave me a tangerine iMac/333 with OS X installed. I cannot open either my Yahoo mail or my Hotmail with it regardless of what browser I use. I have tried IE 5, iCab 2.9.8, Mozilla, and now I just downloaded Camino (which is nice). I can always open to the log in page with no problems, but once I try to log in I get a drop down message telling me the document (my mailbox) has no data.

If I go over to the 3400, everything is fine. I have thought that this iMac, which was from a corporate clearance sale, may have some things blocked to prevent employees from doing personal mail.

OS X is OK for me, although I like Classic lots more and don't need OS X as such. Is it the system, the browser, or me? Thanks so much for your thoughts. I truly enjoy your columns.


If it is at all possible to fix without re-installing, that would be nice!
any suggestions are appriciated
I suggested that the user who was having problems use firefox instead of safari and there seems to be no more problems... Im not a big fan of safari.