
OS X Server uses SquirrelMail as its webmail client:

Do more googling on squirrelmail for more feature possibilities.

Looks like they have different "Themes" you can use to customize the look and feel of SquirrelMail:

And plug ins for more customization:

I didn't dig too much deeper, but since this client is HTML based I'm almost sure you could find the source graphic files and edit them; with the permission of SquirrelMail, of course.
Anyone know where to find the index page for webmail?

I would like to customise this with my own graphics, is this possible?

Customizing webmail is done with the following command:

(in terminal as root)

Configuration-map: ‘/usr/share/squirrelmail’ - command = “./configure”. The LOGIN foto must be pun in the map “/usr/share/squirrelmail/images” with the name “web_mail_login.jpg”.

Both group and user for WEBMAIL = nobody. Use the command “chown -R nobody:nobody /usr/share/squirrelmail” to fix this if permission errors occur.

Good luck, Kees