Webpages not rendered properly/fully.

Luc Pay


I'm experiencing some frustrating problems on my Mac that have to do with rendering webpages correctly and fully.

Two particular websites are very important to me:

(1) one is a web-based e-mail service (which is related to my work),

(2) the other a (interactive) social network website grouping between 500 and 1000 members that I am supposed to administrate (add members, delete members, post messages, organize a calendar, send mails to all or groups of members etcetera).

Both these website are not rendered correctly in different browsers, which prevents me from using all functionalities these sites offer and that I have to make use of.

For instance: in the mail-website the windows (fields) for "to-" and "copy" and "bcc" do not appear where they should, so that I simply cannot send mails.
And In the social-network website I cannot sort particular columns alphabetically (up or down). The mailfunction in this site also behaves erratically (e.g. field codes are not filled out as they should).

Most frustrating of all is the fact that these sites work perfectly on a windows-PC.

My question is: why are these websites not rendered correctly on my Mac?
Is it an individual problem (my own computer, my own preferences or software) or is it related to the Apple software as such?
Is my software obsolete or not?

My configuration:

iMac G5 (powerpc) with OSX 10.3.9
browsers: Safari 1.3.2, Camino 1.6.3, Firefox they all show the same problems with those particular websites described above.

I would be very grateful for any piece of advice or information that could bring me closer to a solution.

Thank you very much!


Luc Pay (Belgium)
Those websites are most likely IE focused. IE support for mac was halted at IE5: an ANCIENT browser by today's standards. You'll need to use IE on a pc to get those sites to work the way you want them to, unfortunately.