weird iChat problem


This has happened on both my macs. I'm running Panther (10.3.1), and when I go to run iChat AV, it bounces, loads, and then closes right away. Sometimes I see the window for a second, sometimes I don't.

On my iBook, help viewer will also not open. While I like some of the new features of Panther, I'm seriously considering going back to Jag

Don't panic! Open up the Console utility, and see if anything is reported when you launch iChat. It's entirely possible that you'll see what's causing the problem.
I'll check that out when I get back home. Right now i'm in a computer lab at school.

Another reason I'm debating going back to 10.2 is that the software I am using for my senior thesis seems to stop working in panther. It's a classic app, and it ran fine in 10.2, but once I run it in 10.3, everything just seems to stop working (it's a serial 3D reconstruction program). It doesn't render correctly, and quits unexpectedly on me (terrible when you are drawing contours and you lose your work). This occurs on both my machines as well.

Oh well, sometimes newer isn't always better. I'll probably stick with panther on by B&W and use Jag on my iBook.

Ah, yes, that would be a rather nasty sticking point. I have a feeling that Classic compatibility probably won't get better over time.