Well, DAMN!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Apple is going to be offering the GeForce 4 Titanium as a build-to-order option on the new PowerMac G4s next month! $250 for the two high-end Macs (933 and dual GHz), $350 for the low-end (800). A separate $399 card will be available in the spring. That's pretty good considering the GeForce 3 was previously a $350 build-to-order option, take it or leave it.

DAMN, Apple sure got the heads up on those GeForce 4 cards.... yay Apple! :D Oh, and they even got to announce it ahead of nVidia today. :D
Anyone want to buy a slightly used GeForce 3 AGP Card pulled from a G4/800DP?


Seriously, this is great news. The GF4 looks like it will be a kick ass card, and I'm really glad (as a G4/800DP owner) that I have the option to buy it. I'll need to see some Lightwave tests first, but the gains will probably be worth it (to me at least)...