What are Cascading Style Sheets and how do I use them?!

BlingBling 3k12

Somewhere... dunno though
I've heard alot about these... they seem to really help out in cutting down time in maintaining sites... how do i use them and what exactly do i need to make them?
CSS does a lot of things. It gives you much more control over text and images. You can affect leading, margins and things of that natue that you have very little control over in standard HTML.

In terms of being a timesaver, you can set up various styles for different tags. You can make specific styles for Block Quotes, Body Text, Captions etc. And you only have to set the font/size/color/margins etc. once. You can also save these styles in an external file that all of the pages on your site can access.

It does a lot more than this, but that's the gist of it.

If you use Dreamweaver there's a style pallette. Play around with that. I don't know any good websites for it, but I will say that it's very simple to learn, nearly as simple as basic HTML.
Trust me Bling... you want to learn CSS. Just search for CSS in a search engine. you will get many results.

I'm mentioning this because I went to a website and when it first loaded, it was just black text on white background... after about 2 seconds, it transformed into this awesome site full of graphics and all sorts of cool stuff... all with the same content, but formatted the same on every page...

so i thought i would mention that here!

I only got into CSS a few months ago, now I will NOT do a site without using them!

It brings typographic control to the level needed designer wise.

Also, you can generate ruled/lined boxes for things like menus etc. without using graphics, greeaatttt!

I use GoLive and it's straightforward enough.;)
Ahhhh... CSS.

At first I didn't see the hype because I could use HTML for all that but then I got the message. :D