What are your favorite books?


I don't believe that anyone has done a favorite books thread yet, so here it is. After all people have done favorite everything else.

Here are a couple of my favorite books off the top of my head.

The Second Demonwars Sega - R.A. Salvatore
The forgotten realms books by R.A. Salvatore
The Enders Game Series - Orson Scott Card
Everything by Tanya Huff
Everything by Mercedes Lackey
Virus Clans
The Xanth Series by Piers Anthony
The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks
The Sword of Truth Novels by Terry Goodkind
The Taltos series by Steven Brust
Tad Williams
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Series
Eye of Argon (search for it on google)

So what about you guys?
A "book"?

Is that one of those things that is kind of like a magazine, only longer and with no pictures or ads?

"Gosh Wally, I haven't seen one of those in a long time..."

...or did you just misspell "iBook"? ;)

I was actaully considering reading a book over this 3-day weekend, but I just couldn't muster the energy... I'll stick with MacWorld and MacOSX.com for now...
Book? You mean those pieces of paper bound together with lots of words on them?

Hmm. I came to this thread expecting to see people talking about how cool their Graphite iBook SE's are. :D

Actually, books aren't that bad, but I'd rather see them in a digitized form yet with a reader that is more "book like" to provide a nice reading experience. It'll save more trees and be able to auto-bookmark and such, that'd be nice. (Yes, I know there are eBook readers, but from what I've seen they don't look book-like enough to be fun to read.)
infinate loop
1984 and animal farm (not as good by got me an A in english lit) - orwell
fever pitch, high fidelity and about a boy - nick hornby
OK, well at least I remember books... :) now i'll see if i remember ones i like! :)

[edit for formatting and to replace The Ancient One with Childhood's End)
1. Steppenwølf : Herman Hesse (OHHHHH MY GOD)

2. The Light of Other Days : Arthur C. Clarke with Stephen Baxter

3. 1984 : George Orwell

4. The Wheel of Time series (The Eye of the World, The Great Hunt, The Dragon Reborn, The Shadow Rising, The Fires of Heaven, Lord of Chaos, A Crown of Swords, The Path of Daggers, and Winter's Heart) : Robert Jordan

5. Childhood's End : Arthur C. Clarke

6. The Rainmaker : John Grisham (great movie, too)

7. The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight : Thom Hartman

8. The Hitchhiker's Guide series (Hitchhiker's Guide, Mostly Harmless, Life the Universe and Everything, So Long and Thanks For All the Fish)

9. Hard Drive : David Pogue

10. Fahrenheit 451 : Ray Bradbury

11. The Art of War : Sun Tzu

12. Black Boy : Richard Wright

13. The Sirens of Titan : Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

14. The Myst book series (The Book of Atrus, the Book of D'Ni, The Book of Ti'ana) : Robyn Miller

15. Brave New World : Aldous Huxley
Oh yeah, I forgot the myst series that was really good also. I really don't like the harry potter series, oh well. MIDGET!
I just finished reading the Scions of Shannara (Terry Brooks) after re-reading the first three Shannara series. I have to say I liked them a lot more the first time. Scions was good, because it wasn't the same old story.

A synopsis of the first three (Sword, Elfstones, Wishsong):
Allanon contacts a reluctant Valeman (or Valegirl) and convinces them that they are the only hope of salvation. Brother comes along if available. Prince of Leah comes along with the Sword of Leah and an ash bow. Allanon broods and tells them next to nothing, then disappears. Main characters face lots of trauma, meet up with the Rovers who invariably help them out, they all face incredible odds and win the day even though right up to the last moment they don't believe that they will even survive. Oh yeah, add in the king of the Silver river and a dwarf and an elf and a hearty fighter from Callahorn as necessary.

I got really sick of the story by the end. It probably didn't help that I read them back to back.

Anyway, I like Terry Brooks' writing a lot, and anything by David Brin. Piers Anthony I can do without. :p

So let's see -- in no particular order:
- anything by David Brin
- most anything by Terry Brooks
- the Myth series by Robert Asprin
- most anything by Kevin J Anderson
- all of Larry Niven's works
- all of Robert Heinlein's works
- a large portion of Isaac Asimov's robot series
- anything by Frederick Pohl
- the Emerald Eyes, Long Run, Last Dancer series by Daniel Keys Moran
- Thomas Covenant series by Stephen Donaldson
- the Wizard of Earthsea trilogy (Tehanu bites ;) ) by Ursula K LeGuin
- a lot of stuff by Tanith Lee
- anything by Neal Stephenson
- Heart of the Comet by Gregory Benford and David Brin
- anything by Terry Pratchett (but they're very similar so I can't read them back to back either)
- the Book of Swords trilogy by Fred Saberhagen (anything past the first three is also, uh, garbage)
- anything by Julian May
- the Lens of the World series by R.A. MacAvoy

and now for something completely different...

- anything by Alan Watts
- Tao Te Ching ;)
- Winnie the Pooh (yes, really) by A.A. Milne (the only good ones are the ones with Ernest Shepherd's illustrations, not that Disney goo)
- Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
- anything by David Quammen
- Modoc by Ralph Helfer

Ehh. I could go on all day. Yes, they're all my favorite books. :p
Just watch now it's going to go completely off topic into another movie thread... and i'll instigate it. :p The art of war wasn't that great..

I'll do anythign to keep my thread alive.
Nah, if you don't understand the Art of War it doesn't mean much. It's in the ways you can interpret it that it gets really amazing.

You have Mercedes Lackey on your list....? *cough* *cough* uuuuugh..... :)
I can see that a lot of my favourites has already been said, but here goes:

- Snow crash, the diamond age and zodiac: Neal Stephenson. (love them)
- Tolkien. (what can I say...)
- The Ender series. (classics)
- Startide rising: David Brin.
- Hypyrion series: Dan Simmons.
- Fool's War: Sarah Zettle. (talk about cyberspace, this has it all)
- Starship Troopers: Robert A. Heinlein. (MUCH better than the movie)
- Across Realtime, A fire upon the deep: Vernor Vinge. (really good)
- The forever war: Joe Haldeman.
- Armor: John Steakley. (my favorite)
- Dune: Frank Herbert. (classic)
- Doomsday Book: Connie Willis.
- Microserfs: Douglas Coupland. :D
- The hitch hiker's guide: Douglas Adams- Cyteen: C.J.Cherryh

.. to name a few.
My (short) list of Favorites:
  • Herbert's Dune series
  • Clark's Odyssey series
Books by Philip K. Dick:
  • Eye in the Sky
  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
  • We Can Built You
  • The Man in the High Castle
I just read armor, it was pretty good. I want to use snow crash also...

I'll just ignore that little comment bluefusion.