I don't think you're quite using it correctly. Problem is, once you enable it, none of the existing applications recognize it until you restart...and since the system is already up, well... it just doesn't look impressive. But check out these benchmarks I've included. They show a significant improvement of all related components after booting into a Q2DE-enabled system. To enable it permanently, turn it on in Quartz Debug and then kill -9 Quartz Debug (or 'Force Quit' the application). Then reboot. I think you'll see a significant difference when the OS is booted into Q2DE as I have. It sped up all Quartz components to nearly twice as fast, and even sped up user interface components.
These are my latest benches, much more accurate than my previous ones, as I didn't realize you needed to reboot into Q2DE at first.
Results 137.15
System Info
Xbench Version 1.1.3
System Version 10.4 (8A428)
Physical RAM 1024 MB
Model PowerBook5,7
Processor PowerPC G4 @ 1.67 GHz
L1 Cache 32K (instruction), 32K (data)
L2 Cache 512K @ 1.67 GHz
Bus Frequency 167 MHz
Video Card ATY,RV360M11
Drive Type ST9100823A
CPU Test 183.30
GCD Loop 185.65 7.25 Mops/sec
Floating Point Basic 193.26 698.88 Mflop/sec
AltiVec Basic 193.06 5.61 Gflop/sec
vecLib FFT 189.47 2.94 Gflop/sec
Floating Point Library 159.79 6.40 Mops/sec
Thread Test 138.19
Computation 99.38 1.34 Mops/sec, 4 threads
Lock Contention 226.70 2.85 Mlocks/sec, 4 threads
Memory Test 119.49
System 137.25
Allocate 800.03 521.86 Kalloc/sec
Fill 192.63 1533.36 MB/sec
Copy 64.87 324.33 MB/sec
Stream 105.80
Copy 101.58 742.53 MB/sec [altivec]
Scale 103.31 762.41 MB/sec [altivec]
Add 111.42 713.06 MB/sec [altivec]
Triad 107.43 656.38 MB/sec [altivec]
Quartz Graphics Test 152.12
Line 123.96 3.16 Klines/sec [50% alpha]
Rectangle 129.59 9.12 Krects/sec [50% alpha]
Circle 146.41 3.37 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]
Bezier 176.93 1.92 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]
Text 217.23 3.54 Kchars/sec
OpenGL Graphics Test 143.34
Spinning Squares 143.34 100.31 frames/sec
User Interface Test 246.05
Elements 246.05 79.14 refresh/sec
Disk Test 80.89
Sequential 99.89
Uncached Write 101.02 42.11 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Write 80.50 32.96 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Uncached Read 158.57 25.10 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Read 87.62 35.40 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Random 67.96
Uncached Write 49.85 0.75 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Write 71.75 16.18 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Uncached Read 76.31 0.50 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Read 85.03 17.50 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Q2DE Enabled
Results 144.44
System Info
Xbench Version 1.1.3
System Version 10.4 (8A428)
Physical RAM 1024 MB
Model PowerBook5,7
Processor PowerPC G4 @ 1.67 GHz
L1 Cache 32K (instruction), 32K (data)
L2 Cache 512K @ 1.67 GHz
Bus Frequency 167 MHz
Video Card ATY,RV360M11
Drive Type ST9100823A
CPU Test 191.32
GCD Loop 183.60 7.17 Mops/sec
Floating Point Basic 192.39 695.76 Mflop/sec
AltiVec Basic 190.21 5.53 Gflop/sec
vecLib FFT 196.42 3.05 Gflop/sec
Floating Point Library 194.52 7.79 Mops/sec
Thread Test 137.51
Computation 98.45 1.33 Mops/sec, 4 threads
Lock Contention 227.96 2.86 Mlocks/sec, 4 threads
Memory Test 121.52
System 143.66
Allocate 696.35 454.23 Kalloc/sec
Fill 214.83 1710.02 MB/sec
Copy 67.60 338.01 MB/sec
Stream 105.29
Copy 101.59 742.63 MB/sec [altivec]
Scale 102.40 755.73 MB/sec [altivec]
Add 110.71 708.52 MB/sec [altivec]
Triad 106.98 653.66 MB/sec [altivec]
Quartz Graphics Test 218.84
Line 213.78 5.44 Klines/sec [50% alpha]
Rectangle 241.87 17.02 Krects/sec [50% alpha]
Circle 287.30 6.62 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]
Bezier 172.86 1.88 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]
Text 209.62 3.42 Kchars/sec
OpenGL Graphics Test 146.30
Spinning Squares 146.30 102.38 frames/sec
User Interface Test 260.63
Elements 260.63 83.83 refresh/sec
Disk Test 80.04
Sequential 98.52
Uncached Write 102.43 42.70 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Write 79.85 32.70 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Uncached Read 146.66 23.22 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Read 87.00 35.15 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Random 67.39
Uncached Write 49.62 0.74 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Write 68.92 15.54 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Uncached Read 76.35 0.50 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Read 86.25 17.75 MB/sec [256K blocks]