What do I need for a presentation?


I am a volunteer for a nonprofit and I've been asked to do a presentation on the website... including a demonstration of Vbulletin for the Board of Directors. I just rec'd a new TiG4 1 GHz.

I'm a complete newbie to this.... what do I tell them I need for equipment in the room?

Any suggestions to make this go well. NONE of the people viewing this demo will have macs.
If they have a video projector then you just need the VGA adapter, which I believe came with your PowerBook. And of course you'll need a connection to the Internet, which you can do via Airport (if your company has a WiFi network and the PowerBook has an Airport card) or via Ethernet. Chances are your company network will assign your laptop an IP address if you set "Using DHCP" as the connection method in Network Preferences.
If you don't have Airport, you can do it with your modem. Just make sure you have a long telephone cable so you can reach the phone jack. Oh, but check to see what kind of phone jacks they are. The merlin or centrix system (which most businesses use) have a strange phone jack which needs an adaptor which last time I looked was not cheap.