What happened to MWSF '01?!


cocoa love
okay, I use to watch the Mac World San Francisco 2001 show all the time. In my opinion that was one of the best shows of the macworld's. http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/mwsf01/ is the site where it is at. It hasn't been working for months! And Steve Jobs did such a good job introducing Mac OS X there! Does anyone know what it wrong with Apple and mwsf01? Thanks in advance.
The other day I was going to the web site to watch that same thing and it didn't work for me either. That was one of the best Keynotes in Apple history. I remember watching that live. When I saw the TiBook for the first time, I couldn't stop smiling.:D
it's old... they most likely discontinued broadcasting of it

what are you talking about? I watch the MWSF 00 all the time, and i even went back to '98 not too long ago, it's only a year old.
Sorry the bell is about to ring and im trying to type fast.