What happened to Press 3?


I've been sending ppl there for help for months and now I took a look...it's not a help-site any more...how many ppl have I sent on a wild goose chase?
What, when and why?
I think he switched it to "mac certification" only, and macosx.com was the alternative for a while, but now macosx.com is only mac again, i'm so happy!
Press3 tech support was kind of a joke and it's termination was very unprofessional.

I was a volunteer tech and came here shortly after it's demise.

Based on how their tech support was handled and dismantled, I wouldn't take their "certificiation" very seriously.

Whoever is running the show lacks any common business sense. It seems like more of a scam than anything else. Kind of like emails you get regarding degrees you can buy. It's just a worthless piece of paper.

I also feel that Press3 tech support was just an experiment at the expense of many volunteers and users.
Press3.com still exists. It was not terminated. It didn't go anywhere.

It simply changed its focus from being a free tech support site to a primarily MacCSE certification site.

Azosx, I also volunteered at press3.com and had a completely different experience then you shared. While I have not taken the press3 certification tests, I can see how the certification and the volunteer part of the website conflicted with one another. Which later on mandated the removal of the volunteer technical support portion of the site.

Of course I have to allow for the fact that my opinion might be considered tainted since I am one of the moderators of this site. But honestly macosx.com made it difficult for press3 to be successful. I do feel press3 fits better as a CSE certification site then a tech support forum replacement.

People were used to coming to macosx.com for their technical questions. So it’s not a surprise to me that the technical support was not as popular on press3 as it was on macosx.com. Why post your question at press3 to a smaller audience? It doesn’t make sense.

Press3's discission to remove volunteer technical support seemed to be an item of supply and demand more so then anything else.
Actually, the press3.com web site is being reworked.
"We realized once we launched the tech support site that it has much work left to be done. Many bugs, some usability issues, that sort of thing. We really want to take things down and relaunch it when we make things right."

It will be back and better than ever.
Cheryl !!!!!!!

So GOOD to see you're here! I've missed ya!

"Press3 tech support was kind of a joke and it's termination was very unprofessional. "

I wouldn't worry about it, I'll be back, under a new name or something, who knows... well I do, but I can't tell, All I'll say is stick around, You won't be disapointed.
Hi Alex. I kind of forgot about this web site. I was busy staying out of trouble.

I agree, the way it was terminated was not done very well. At least there should have been a web page explaining. Scott said the new site should be up soon. :rolleyes:

We will have to wait, but don't hold your breath. Right now I am working on the Protonic.com site. It is kind of nice to see all the problems posted about windows and the Mac section has maybe two questions a week if that.