What I finally got for Xmas


Friend of the elves
Well, finally my mother didn´t gave me the flute.
What I finally received was a jean and a Harry Potter book (don´t LOL!!!) from my sister; it was a deal. She bought me the first book and I bought her the second one :)
This year: no Mac, Displays, iPod... nothing... we got no money. I´m just happy to still have my ADSL connection so I can surf the Internet :D
Merry Xmas!!!!
hey, a Harry Potter book is way cool. a flute would have been nice, but harry is plenty fun.

Feliz navidad:D
Sorry to see the financial hardships u fellow Argentina'ns are going through! From nothing there will always be something made in the end, everything starts off small.
My wife, parents and in-laws all went in together to get me an iPod for Christmas! I'm so stoked. This thing is sooooooooo cool! Well, gotta go. I'm at work.
