What I like about OS X

Captain Code

Staff member
The Software Update control panel actually works and doesn't crash or screw up. In OS 9 90% of the time something would screw up with the Software Update and either freeze my computer or just not work. Even though it's not possible for Software Update to freeze my computer anymore, I'm still glad it actually works. :)
I tried to use OS 9's Updater for the first time the other day.

It kept telling me that I'd need to reboot so it had to automatically close all other programs before downloading.

Ok, fine.

But...it would close the program that rums my DSL connection - severing my net connection...leaving me unable to download the software.

How dumb is that!?!

OS X does a MUCH better job!
Hey - one last thing. Is there a way to tell OSX that I do not EVER want to download certain updates?

I mean, I don't use an Airport so I don't want to download the upgrade. But, the stupid thing offers it to me every Saturday afternoon like clockwork.

I know I can turn off the "autocheck" feature - but I don't want to.

Can't I just "pass" on that update?
You can highlight it, and then go to Update in the menubar and label it Inactive. Then every time you run SU, it'll say "No new updates, but you have one inactive."
Not much of an improvement, but that's the best you can do currently.
I do the same thing with internut exploder... I don't need the patch for it because I *avoid* internet explorer.

I finally let it do its little thing, and then just deleted it.

And SW update for mac os x Rocks.
Originally posted by genghiscohen
You can highlight it, and then go to Update in the menubar and label it Inactive. Then every time you run SU, it'll say "No new updates, but you have one inactive."
Not much of an improvement, but that's the best you can do currently.

That works perfectly; thanks!