What I'm Receiving As Presents For X-Mac

Guess what! I have my iPod for Xmas! But the shipping has been delaying unitl the end of Dec... :(
I don't know what will I receive for Xmas. But I suspect my mother will give me a flute because she knows I like that instrument.
I would also like to receive an iPod, a Hard Drive and a 17" display :)
What I wanted:

* Top of the line G5 - LOADED
* 3 cinematic displays connected to it
* Surround sound quality speakers
* iPaq 3870

What I actually got:
* iPaq

What has actually arrived:

Nothing :p


I have 350 in my pocket... I just have one more gift exchanging time left... DO YOU think i can get 50 bucks and then I'd have to run out to Woodfeild Mall, to the Apple Store and buy myself a....

MacAddict mag.. lol, NO AN iPOD! *I hope I can get one, otherwise I'll start charging each of you 1 buck a post, till i get it. lol.

Happy Holidays, Merry this or that, New Year to you, and to me... Be good, hope you got what you want..

DO good NOT bad.

Im done.
