What is this beep?


Hello all,
I have a powerbook G4 17", 1.67GHz, and 1G ram installed. I'm noticing a random beep from this thing. Last night, it seemed to be almost like clockwork. It's not coming from the main speakers; it sounds like it's coming from somewhere under the keyboard, about every thirty minutes.

I was running Handbrake; crunching some video down for my iPod. Everytime it would beep, I would check my iStat widget, which would indicate about 60% CPU usage (user), and anywhere between 300 and 500 MB ram being used. (Nothing I haven't seen before really.)

Handbrake was the only app running last night. I have noticed this beep at other random occasions. Any thoughts? I can't help but feel like this single beep is trying to tell me something, and I'm just not connecting.....

"c'mon baby... tell daddy what's hurting"...

Thanks for any info guys,
And you're sure there's no little utiltiy running which beeps on every half and full hour?
Nope. I'm not running any additional system clocks or utilities. The "every half hour" thing is just an estimate. I can't seem to associate this mystery beep with anything.

The only tid-bit of info I could find on Apple's web site is a note about resetting the PRAM and the like. I did this a couple weeks back, and didn't notice a change.

Also, when the beep is heard, I don't notice any program lacking an ability to perform an action. This thing just beeps occasionally.

I also read a thread elsewhere about some models with a DC to DC converter on the main board, but the beep isn't PWM or anything. It's definately a piezo-electric element beeping at me.
I would suggest resetting your PMU, if that is applicable; I believe they were still called PMU on the powerbook G4's, however, it is possible that it would be referred to as your SMS.