What is your favourite Apple product?


What is your favourite product made by Apple of all times? A friend asked me this and got me to think. I don't think about preformance and clock speed. Rather the cutest, most good looking, and most lovely. Many of you will certanly answer the any transparent plasic relased since 1998. But I think the old 68K All-In-One macs (like the Macintosh Classic) were cute too! My favourite in Apples product line right now is the quicksilver design, I think it was cooler than the old G4 that I have...What about you?
No contest... it's gotta be my Newton (2K). I carry a Palm with me now (gotta be able to sync with modern software), and I miss my Newton every day. But I do still have it, so I can take trips down memory lane and remember a time when the word "innovation" actually meant something. (*sigh*)

Runners up would be the iPod, and the latest iBook, and of course, the Apple][ - the machine that started all this... :)
I was completely smitten with the "Blackbird" PowerBook 500 series... they were so ahead-of-their time in terms of design.... so curvy... :D
my first mac, quadra 700, 25Mhz, 20MB RAM and a huge 230MB hard drive (that was when PCs were at 500Mhz, and i still came top of the class:)). pure class, saved me from the school wintels, without it I'd currently be on the phone to tech support at M$.
I always enjoyed the DUO Powerbooks. They were nice. I think Apple should use this type of concept with a flatpanel iMac, because that is what it will be, a laptop. Making it DUO would give it the portability of a lap top, yet the features you need and ports, expansion of a desktop.

But, in all honesty, I think the best product by Apple was the Apple IIGS, in it's day. It was my first computer system... and too this day, I still enjoyed the music ability it had, it was a great system.

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
the cool stickers that now come free with the computer:D

They are cool, but I had problems to try to find a place to put them:D Any ideas? (hmm maybe on my grey Belinea box screen?)
Can't pick one only ...
- Newton, for what it caused to happen in my personal life.
- Powerbook, can't live without
- iPods .. got three, use all of them
- iSight .. when your loved ones are far far away, at least you can see them
- XServes and XServe RAIDs
- Airport Express
- Softwarewise: iChat (for work), iTunes, ...
im pretty stoked with this G5 im sitting in front of.. but im even more stoked with the LCD next to it :D

although. don't forget that apple has been innovating recently, with simple things..

i bought my (current) server machine in september 2000. i bought it with the "bottom" model screen, the 17" ADC Studio Display CRT.

Let's think.. Who has USB ports on their monitors in 1999? No one. Who had firewire ports in 1999? No one. Who had DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM drives? no one. Who had gigabit ethernet? No one. Even today, (well. last year, work is buying all LCDs now) the NEW CRTs coming in from IBM don't compare in quality. And they are STILL as round as a frickin' tennis ball!

So. My favourite product of all time, from apple, is the creative process SJ started.
hmm, tough choice, either my PB which I am more and more pleased with each day, or my new toy, the Shuffle, which I recently turned into my cheap (and space saving) MP3-to-car solution. Now Ive got a variety of music to listen to on the road, and no worries about batteries, chargers, COMMERCIALS!!!!!!!, or other hassles! ;) Just got back today from a 2 hr car trip and listened to it the whole way there and back, awesome.
adambyte said:
I was completely smitten with the "Blackbird" PowerBook 500 series... they were so ahead-of-their time in terms of design.... so curvy... :D

And an absolute bear to work on. I don't miss my hardware days :)

For me it's this iBook. So clean. So elegant. So... simple. Compare it to the other PC-based laptops out there and it looks... I dunno. The rather esoteric designs coming from HP and Toshiba these days are just, well... weird.

But, my iBook... It's just so... nice.
for me the first mac, my G4 etc, i have yet to own an ipod...

how about the Pippin system?? muahahahha
Chornbe, I see what you mean, my Powerbook is lovely. And, it's not just on the surface, so to speak. Whenever I see a PC laptop that looks OK, I look at the bottom of it, and it's awful, all bumpy, the rubber feet are in odd places, some parts stick out, it's not that level. But the Powerbook is beautiful, it's simple, no change in surface on the bottom, and the rubber feet are ok, except I am missing one.