What the heck I learned at school


playing games
designing stickman
setting stickers
wasting money
collecting dinosaurs
don't learn anything
happy without working
funny... I learned java, databases, photoshop and a few other things :p
What school did u go to ? :p

I also forgot to mention that I learned that there are many nice looking girls at school :D .... perhaps the best reason to be in school ;)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I also forgot to mention that I learned that there are many nice looking girls at school :D .... perhaps the best reason to be in school ;)

YES! College rocks!
See what I find hard in the "real world" is to know how is with whom :p

In High school we had our closed society where we knew everyone's business, now there is not sure way of knowing if a girl is single..damn it :p

Oh well..trial and error (I wish there were some sort of tricorder out to measure such things :p)

btw....there are some nice looking professors and TAs out there...they might be older but that hasnt stopped us yet :p
Damn u guys are tampting me to ask out this graduate TA that come to where I work for equipment :p

I am on par with you guys, there is nothign worse than going out with a "duuuuuuuuh" kind of girl that doesnt know much, or even worse doesnt have the volition to learn more than what shade of blue make up matches her bluejeans :p
