What time of day are you most likely to be found online at MacOSX.com?
TommyWillB Registered Mar 25, 2002 #1 What time of day are you most likely to be found online at MacOSX.com?
T themacko Barking at the moon. Mar 25, 2002 #2 I use it as a time-killer during boring lectures. I can snag wireless net access in the halls so i just log on and try to stay awake.
I use it as a time-killer during boring lectures. I can snag wireless net access in the halls so i just log on and try to stay awake.
AdmiralAK Simply Daemonic Mar 26, 2002 #3 I am here all day long! are you kidding me ?! what kind of question is that ??!!?!?!?
xoot Got xoot? Mar 26, 2002 #4 Looks like most people (at the time of this post) are not too predictable